95% of your student marketing is ending up in the trash.
95% of your student marketing is ending up in the trash.
The average college-hopeful student receives 454 pieces of mail per year. Is this the most effective medium to make meaningful engagements with potential students?
Of course not! Direct mailing prospective students has been around since before the internet came about. Colleges and universities should reevaluate which platforms make the most sense in order to reach students more effectively as well as avoid wasting advertising dollars.

Direct mail is TWICE as expensive as digital marketing, so enrollment marketers should double down on on digital. Social media is a great way to reach both students and tuition buyers as it is now used daily by the majority of both groups.

Encouraging Resilience During the Admissions Process
We have all had our resilience tested during the past [...]
Factors Affecting Enrollment
Almost all colleges have seen decreased enrollment over the [...]
Journal: 2022 UPCEA MEMS Conference Key Takeaways
With this year coming to an extremely frosty finale I know everyone’s social feeds are being inundated with Top of 2022 lists and 2023 predictions (our very own whitepaper is launching soon..). I need to perform a home base slide before the new year and share one final reflection that may not have received enough attention: the 2022 UPCEA MEMs conference. Here are my 2022 UPCEA MEMS Conference Key Insights.