Student & Parent Survey 2024 Edition
From a looming demographic enrollment cliff to rising costs and interest rates, prospective students are scrutinizing their options more closely than ever before – and they aren’t the only ones. The parents of today’s GenZ youth are side-by-side with the student in [...]
Unlocking the Power of Your Enrollment Data
As a higher education professional, you care about students, student outcomes, a thriving academic community, and the reputation of your programs and institution. And yet, by unlocking critical insights from your data, you can have very real, measurable, and boast-worthy results from the insights.
The Enrollment Cliff Whitepaper
Almost all colleges have seen decreased enrollment over the past decade. Predictions for an even steeper enrollment cliff in 2026 have higher education professionals worried.
Immediate College Enrollment Rate 2022
As a lifelong student, I recently learned what the Immediate College Enrollment Rate represents and seeing the trend line barely achieve a passing grade illustrates the need for powerful storytelling and showcasing value across all brands in higher education.
GA4 Setup (Intro Part II)
With the looming sunset of Universal Analytics nearly upon us all, (and Google is quite aggressive in the reminders to complete GA4 setup…), an atmosphere of apprehension is working its way through our beloved marketing worlds.
Journal: 2022 UPCEA MEMS Conference Key Takeaways
With this year coming to an extremely frosty finale I know everyone’s social feeds are being inundated with Top of 2022 lists and 2023 predictions (our very own whitepaper is launching soon..). I need to perform a home base slide before the new year and share one final reflection that may not have received enough attention: the 2022 UPCEA MEMs conference. Here are my 2022 UPCEA MEMS Conference Key Insights.
The Value of Social Capital for Struggling Students
Who you know makes a huge difference in your success in life, and middle- and higher-income students have more access to social circles that can help them succeed. For equity initiatives to fully reach the students who can use a leg up, providing [...]