Clemson University’s College of Business Sees 207% Engagement Surge

The Challenge

Clemson University’s Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business Master of Science in Data Science and Analytics program had seen stable enrollment year after year; however, there was a desire to double the number of students in the program. After analyzing the data, we were able to identify areas where interest in the graduate degree was high and where it was low.

Our analysis revealed very low interest in this program within the university’s home state of South Carolina. As a result, our team recommended that they focus on generating awareness for the program and inspiring prospective students to enroll.

Clemson University’s Wilbur O. and Ann Powers College of Business hired Advance Education to increase enrollment for the Masters in Data Science Graduate Degree.

The Goals

Increase overall awareness for Masters in Data Science and Analytics program.

Increase applications and grow enrollment by 40 students within a two month deadline for the MS-DSA program.

The Strategy

Target Audience Segmentation: we confirmed geographic locations and target audience demographics, such as working adults with higher education interests and intent, to ensure messaging resonated with the intended audience.

Strategic channel selection: we utilized a mix of digital marketing channels, including our core pillars: social, search, and display. We leveraged social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram, search engine marketing, and targeted display ads to reach and engage potential applicants across various touchpoints.

Collaboration: we fostered a collaborative environment to track progress and gather insights, ensuring the best outcomes and return on investment for the college.

Creative Examples

University of South Alabama Nursing Creative


  • During the time the campaign was live, page views of the MS-DSA page grew 222% over the prior period.
  • There was a 207% increase in engagements on the MS-DSA page compared to the prior period.

Google Analytics

The client earned 1,300 key events. 498 users clicked to request information and more than 40 users clicked the ‘apply now’ button.


Meta / Social campaign performed better across women 35+.

GA4 reports 498 users requested information and 44 users clicked to apply over the two-month flight.

Pageviews of the MS-DSA page grew 222% over the prior period.

There was a 207% increase in engagement on the MS-DSA page compared to the prior period.

All tactics performed above their respective education benchmark.

A strong impression share ensured Clemson search ads were shown a minimum of 4 out of every 10 searches.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving education marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.


The Prospective Student Journey:

Reaching Traditional College Students

We have identified four specific points in the journey where schools can make small changes that can increase the number of incoming students. Learn how to implement these changes and optimize these opportunities.

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