February 22, 2025


2024 Holiday Cookbook

Season's Greetings! The folks at Advance Education Midwest put together a little holiday cookbook should you find yourself needing a delicious dish for an upcoming holiday party. Enjoy!

By |December 11, 2024|Categories: Insights|

Survey Insights: The Challenges and Opportunities

In our 2nd Annual Parents and Students Post-Secondary Education Survey, we outline how all institutions – public and private four-year schools, community colleges, and vocational education programs – can work through or mitigate significant challenges impacting enrollment, including the Enrollment Cliff, rising education costs and ROI of post-secondary education, labor market demands and much more.

By |November 25, 2024|Categories: Insights|Tags: , |

Can Dual Enrollment Help Fill Higher Education Classrooms?

Higher education institutions of all types are under intense pressure from drops in enrollment. Finding more pathways to bring students into an institution can help colleges survive this national enrollment slump. One way to deliver a smoother pathway to college for some students is to partner with high schools to offer dual enrollment courses. Dual enrollment courses can potentially encourage students who wouldn’t otherwise have considered college to enroll after high school.

By |November 18, 2024|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

Implicit Marketing: Understanding Your Target Prospects (part 2)

The first step in reevaluating your implicit messaging is understanding your prospective students more fully. Each group of likely students will view your school through a different lens. First-generation high school graduates with immigrant parents may need to see more students like themselves represented in your materials, while a “some college, no degree” entering student may be more impressed by the range of flexible options that allow them to change their course load to accommodate their family and work lives.  

By |October 28, 2024|Categories: Insights|

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The 2nd Annual

Parent & Student Survey

Advance Education surveyed more than 500 high school students and over 500 parents of high school students about their journey to decide what’s next after high school graduation. This survey uncovers the motivations driving their choices.

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