Geofencing vs Geotargeting for Colleges
College marketers are increasingly using geolocation services, and for a good reason—it helps get information to the people most likely to be interested in your school. A geolocation is the physical location of a device, and marketing targeting a device in a defined [...]
Preparing College Students for an Uncertain Economy
Student success is part of our mission, and seeing students do well in college is gratifying. But what about success after college, in the “real” world? The world is uncertain now, with rapid shifts in employment, housing, transportation—every facet of life. Indeed, as [...]
Communication Tips for Admissions Professionals
Digital communication has changed how we communicate with prospective students, and our communication strategies have become ever more critical as we navigate the rapidly changing higher education marketplace. Take a moment to see where you can take it up a notch and cut [...]
Encouraging Resilience During the Admissions Process
We have all had our resilience tested during the past couple of years, but this quality is essential for incoming college students. As admissions professionals, we can model resilience and encourage prospects while recruiting and enrolling students who could be terrific additions to [...]
Factors Affecting Enrollment
Almost all colleges have seen decreased enrollment over the past decade. Predictions for an even steeper enrollment cliff in 2026 have higher education professionals worried. With reduced populations of high school graduates in the pipeline for college, there are challenges ahead for [...]
Journal: 2022 UPCEA MEMS Conference Key Takeaways
With this year coming to an extremely frosty finale I know everyone’s social feeds are being inundated with Top of 2022 lists and 2023 predictions (our very own whitepaper is launching soon..). I need to perform a home base slide before the new year and share one final reflection that may not have received enough attention: the 2022 UPCEA MEMs conference. Here are my 2022 UPCEA MEMS Conference Key Insights.
2022 Parent Survey: Where Do Parents Start When Researching Colleges and Universities?
The overwhelmingly popular place to begin college research is on the college’s website. Eighty-four percent of parents selected “college website,” which closely tracks the results from our January poll of students themselves. The following two most popular choices were "search engines" and "teachers [...]