Degree vs. Skills-Based Learning: Positioning Your Programs
Higher education is an increasingly important part of our economy, requiring highly skilled graduates in many fields. Colleges, universities, and trade schools contribute to the productivity of our country by training people in the skills that 21st-century employers require. Yet education is not [...]
Physical vs. Digital Campuses: The Tug-of-War
Where people learn is shifting, and the tension between online and face-to-face learning creates new challenges for college planners and marketers. Many factors impacted the physical campus even before the pandemic shuttered campuses and moved classes online. Enrollments were trending downward, forcing colleges [...]
2022 Parent Survey: 80% prefer a school less than 6 hours away from home
About a third of parents will feel comfortable with their kids in a school under two hours away, and another third are fine with their student being 2-4 hours away. However, less than 20% would be comfortable with their student over six [...]
2022 Parent Survey: Cost is top-of-mind for most parents
Sixty-two percent of parents responded that the parents would partially cover college costs, along with student scholarships and loans. About 17% of parents said the student is responsible, and another 17% said the parents and family are responsible for paying for college so, [...]
Can Colleges Use Formative Assessment in Admissions?
Formative assessment is a pedagogical tool that is gaining popularity in schools to help students learn more effectively. But can higher education use some of the information from formative assessment to inform admissions or placement decisions? The short answer is maybe […]
Where Do Parents Notice College Advertising?
We asked parents to rank where they most noticed college advertising, and half the respondents chose social media as their first choice. While direct mail received the subsequent most first place responses from a quarter of respondents, more than a quarter ranked it [...]
Creating Goals for Data Analytics in Marketing Higher Ed
Colleges and universities are increasingly using data analytics to impact their institutions positively. While businesses often use analytics to lower costs, increase profits, or improve customer satisfaction, these goals are not entirely dissimilar from what education professionals can achieve through data projects. But [...]