January 24, 2025


Physical vs. Digital Campuses: The Tug-of-War

Where people learn is shifting, and the tension between online and face-to-face learning creates new challenges for college planners and marketers. Many factors impacted the physical campus even before the pandemic shuttered campuses and moved classes online. Enrollments were trending downward, forcing colleges [...]

By |October 25, 2022|Categories: Insights|

Where Do Parents Notice College Advertising?

We asked parents to rank where they most noticed college advertising, and half the respondents chose social media as their first choice. While direct mail received the subsequent most first place responses from a quarter of respondents, more than a quarter ranked it [...]

By |October 5, 2022|Categories: Insights|Tags: |

Creating Goals for Data Analytics in Marketing Higher Ed

Colleges and universities are increasingly using data analytics to impact their institutions positively. While businesses often use analytics to lower costs, increase profits, or improve customer satisfaction, these goals are not entirely dissimilar from what education professionals can achieve through data projects. But [...]

By |September 27, 2022|Categories: Insights|

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The 2nd Annual

Parent & Student Survey

Advance Education surveyed more than 500 high school students and over 500 parents of high school students about their journey to decide what’s next after high school graduation. This survey uncovers the motivations driving their choices.

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