The Prospective Student Journey: Decision Time Converting Inquiries to Applicants
Let’s zoom into this critical stage and examine the micro-moments you should be focused on to improve conversion rates. Every tiny increase in your success can net more students in your classrooms.
The Prospective Student Journey: Capturing Inquiries
Most marketing touches occur before that initial inquiry. The primary objective is to transition inquirers into applicants and ultimately committed students. When students and their parents are making these decisions, from late junior to senior year, you have more opportunities to influence their decision.
Marketing Tips: Building Trust in Your School
Our campaign for The University of Northern Colorado (UNC) resulted in 26,431 users reached, a 0.58% click-through rate (CTR) and 617 registrants, exceeding goal by 23%.
The Evolution of Targeting for Marketers
Marketers and agencies are on the brink of a seismic shift in how they approach targeting and reaching their audience.
Empowering Students in an Era of Change
Enrolling a more confident, focused and engaged student can naturally predict a higher propensity of student matriculation to graduation.
Engaging the Modern Student Prospect: 5 Enrollment Tips
These strategies can help admissions professionals engage the modern student prospect.
Navigating the Path to Higher Education Success
64% of parents believe there are multiple paths to higher education success after school, beyond just attending a four-year college.