

Second Annual Parents and Students Survey

November 19, 2024|Tags: , |

In our 2nd Annual Parents and Students Post-Secondary Education Survey, we uncovered the motivations driving the most targeted segments for education marketers: high school students and their parents. We outline how all institutions – public and private four-year schools, community colleges, and vocational education programs – can work through or mitigate the current challenges impacting post-secondary enrollment.

Four Pillars of Higher Ed Enrollment Marketing Whitepaper

September 18, 2024|Tags: , |

This informative free guide offers actionable insights and strategies, drawing from our extensive industry experience and data-informed approach. These pillars encompass the essential components of higher education enrollment marketing, from laying the groundwork to ongoing refinement and improvement. Designed specifically for marketing executives in colleges and universities, the whitepaper provides the tools needed to navigate and succeed in today’s dynamic educational landscape. 

Display Advertising Throughout the Journey Whitepaper

August 1, 2024|Tags: , |

Advance Education’s unique approach, Layered Display, is a proven technique combining a traditionally top-of-funnel solution, to have significant positive impact on other campaign tactics, such as search, social, organic, and direct website engagement. This whitepaper dives into more detail including methodology and key findings related to this unique approach to display advertising for higher education institutions.

Streaming Video For Enrollment Marketing Whitepaper

May 1, 2024|Tags: , |

YouTube has exceeded expectations by becoming the most dominant streaming platform. In 2024, YouTube surpassed Netflix by having 9.7% of all US TV viewership in May, as reported by Nielsen’s “The Gauge” Report. Designed specifically for marketing executives in colleges and universities, this whitepaper explores how streaming video can be strategically interwoven into multi-channel, higher education enrollment marketing campaigns.

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