Unlocking the Power of Your Enrollment Data: First Steps with Enrollment Data

There is no day like today to start using your data to drive your campaigns going forward. Whether you have only the bare bones of information, or a complete dashboard of options to plug in, your data is highly beneficial. In the very first stages of analyzing your data, we would ideally look at three data points:


We can visualize this data in a scorecard format that will look something like the following:


Admissions, marketing, deans, and administrators can then begin to understand where your numbers are today. With a couple of years of previous data, we can also look at trends, though we will have to work around the disruptions of the pandemic, which may have distorted the numbers. Understanding your conversion rates among stages within the students’ enrollment journey is foundational to making optimizations within your team. With this crucial data, the conversations can take many forms among different stakeholders, giving you a basis for looking deeper.

Download our 2023 Advance Education Enrollment Data WP to learn more ways on how to improve your enrollment.

If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving education marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.

advance education parent and student survey whitepaper


The 2nd Annual

Parent & Student Survey

Advance Education surveyed more than 500 high school students and over 500 parents of high school students about their journey to decide what’s next after high school graduation. This survey uncovers the motivations driving their choices.

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