How Higher Education Institutes Can Use B2B Data to Increase Enrollment

As the enrollment season draws near each year, most educational institutions struggle to garner the interest of students and increase enrollment. But to take a competitive edge, colleges and universities have to harness the power of B2B data.

In fact, B2B is the key to open new doors of the target market and boost the enrollment rate. Once academic institutions streamline and automate their enrollment process, the next step should be to focus on B2B data. And since academic institutions are more competitive than ever, it makes sense to adapt and embrace a B2B model and utilize data that can boost engagement and enrollment numbers.

B2B Data Allows You Advanced Targeting

Higher education can use B2B data to target potential students with specific job titles. It would allow colleges and universities to scale up their enrollment approach and conduct more advanced targeting. For instance, educational institutions can offer training programs that are in high demand.

When you target potential students with job titles, it also allows colleges and universities to personalize the content.  For starters, you can segment job titles and add specific requirements for certain positions through ads.

Roll Out Email Marketing Campaigns

Contrary to naïve misconception, email is still the king to ensure consistent and professional communication. So, send prospective students authentic emails to spark curiosity way before the enrollment season starts.

You can use the email marketing tool to collect more data and create hype before enrollment.  Even if you have reservations about sending emails to millennials and Gen Z, think of it as a cost-effective and efficient way to collect responses.

In most cases, email marketing delivers and you’d be surprised at the results. Besides, there were more than 300 billion emails received and sent daily throughout 2020. Educational institutions can also target potential students through B2C email addresses.

For instance, community colleges and regional universities can follow prestigious colleges and universities that conduct flawless email marketing campaigns before enrollment starts. It is an effective way to boost enrollment efforts and establish a market presence.

You have to think of email marketing as a tool to communicate and send custom content that may cater to the needs of a specific target audience. In fact, over 70% of students affirm that they prefer to receive information from universities and colleges via email than traditional mail.

As an educational institute, you can optimize your email marketing with artificial intelligence. It means you can integrate specialized tools that can help you identify more potential students and send messages at the right time. It is high time for academic institutions to use email marketing programs like ActiveCampaign and MailChimp to leverage AI capabilities.

Use SEO to Improve Organic Traffic

It is not enough to just have a functional site anymore – colleges and universities need a targeted approach to conduct searches and draw the attention of visitors that can convert into students. Since most individuals use a search engine to find information on the site, it makes sense to step up your SEO game. For instance, educational institutions can use non-competitive long-tail keywords.

Moreover, colleges and universities can create and maintain a blog. A blog can help an educational institution serve its short-term and long-term goals. And if enrollment is one of your priorities, you can create and post personalized content to attain and retain the attention of a massive audience.

Create and Post High-quality Material

As an educational institute, you have to maintain higher standards than businesses and offer high-quality and impressive content. A reliable content will be more than enough to capture the attention of prospective students and help you increase those enrollment numbers in no time.

The Future of Enrollment is B2B Data in Higher Education

Amidst the pandemic crisis, the enrollment numbers were at an all-time low. But as most colleges and universities enter a post-pandemic era, there is a good chance of increased enrollment numbers. But it would take a dedicated and personalized approach to boost current enrollment numbers.

Higher education can address the concerns of potential students through data-driven analytics. Gone are the days of traditional enrollment tactics. Today, educational institutions should opt for B2B data analytics to predict future enrollment numbers.

In fact, B2B data can help colleges and universities change their academic framework altogether. But the framework changes will have to be incremental to avoid any kind of disruption. In order to utilize B2B data, educational institutions will need a professional IT infrastructure.

Colleges and universities should have cloud-based storage and computing to avoid data overflow or access issues. Ultimately, academic institutions should use an advanced data analytics tool to review and compare B2B data. It is the best way to dive straight into large demographics and find new dynamics trends.

Adopt and Embrace B2B Model

Most college campuses and universities have decided to adapt and embrace a B2B model. Once you have a B2B model, you’re on your way to revolutionize the targeting approach. In fact, the accumulated B2B data can help you garner you’re the best results and influence the decision of potential students.

The higher education sector has become crowded, but there are also more digital opportunities to collect and analyze data. Ideally, colleges and universities should keep an eye on new digital marketing trends. Change is good when academic institutions learn to make the most out of it.

Bottom Line

Yes, data collection methods and marketing strategies vary from one educational institution to another. But the fact remains that more tech and digital changes would allow educational institutions to improve their B2B model and collect prospective students’ data more efficiently. With comprehensive and effective B2B data, the higher education sector has a unique opportunity to build robust long-term relationships with prospective enrollees.



If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving education marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.


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