How Students and Parents are Making Post-Secondary Decisions

Parents are a major influence in their student’s higher education decisions.

Both segments, each on their own educational search journey, have both similar and divergent concerns. We dug into the survey responses to find out what these factors are, and just how much these influences matter.

The Respondents

Advance Education surveyed more than 500 high school students and over 500 parents of high school students about their journey to decide what’s next after high school graduation. The respondent samples were taken from all 50 states in quantities representative to the population.

What options are parents and students considering?

Students and their parents are in lock step when it comes to the consideration of 4-year and 2-year options. But a schism appears when it comes to vocational programs regardless of where they are offered (within 2-year community colleges or through private vocational schools). Twice the number of parents are considering vocational schools than their children. With the pressures of increased college costs and the changing needs of our tight labor market, parents are encouraging their kids to consider the cost/benefit equation of these options.

Parents are major influencers in their student’s higher education decisions

Overall, parents are an essential part of the entire decision-making process influencing or directing key decisions. Parents play a crucial role in the logistical and financial aspects of their child’s post-secondary education decisions, while students maintain more control over their academic and career choices. Both groups are balancing parental guidance and support with student independence and personal growth.

1. NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS: High OR Moderate Influence
66% of parents report having significant influence on the number of applications their student submits. This suggests that parents are actively involved in guiding their students through the application process, helping them identify and apply to multiple institutions to increase their chances of acceptance.

2. AMOUNT OF DEBT: Moderate to High Influence
Parents have significant influence over the amount of debt their student will incur, with 44% indicating “A lot” of influence and 37% indicating “A moderate amount.” This reflects parents’ concern about the financial implications of higher education and their role in managing or mitigating student debt.

3. SCHOOL CHOICES: High AND Moderate Influence
When it comes to the schools where their student applies and enrolls, three-quarters of parents report a moderate or high level of influence. This indicates schools must engage and influence two audiences at every stage of the enrollment journey – and connect with each in an authentic way.

4. FIELD OF STUDY: Lower Influence, but still strong
Parents have less overall influence over what their student chooses major in or study. However, there is a strong correlation between the choice of major and the return-on-investment (ROI) of post-secondary education. We’ll see later in the study that students themselves are more selective in their course of study, factoring in likelihood of finding a job and future earnings.

Next, we will dive deeper into the student and parent journeys. Each group approaches the college search in their own way from how they determine value to the digital channels they use to research and inform their decisions.

Marketers will begin to see how crafting separate campaigns to each group will help to increase engagement and combat enrollment challenges.


The 2nd Annual

Parent & Student Survey


and learn how to better reach your most targeted enrollment segments: students and their parents.

This guide outlines the biggest current challenges of education marketers, and ideas showing how your enrollment strategy can overcome and thrive.


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of parents are using digital sources to research post-secondary options for their children


of ALL teens use YouTube


the number of parents are considering vocational schools than their children

Other areas we cover that will help increase awareness of your institution among students and their parents:

  • The most important factors considered in the college search process:

    • what motivates students’ choices
    • what parents consider the most important factors
  • How students and their parents interact with school advertising:

    • The apps where students AND their parents spend most of their ‘social media’ time
    • What other sources are used for school research: digital, direct mail, etc.
  • How to use the survey insights to optimize your enrollment strategy:

    • Vocational schools
    • Community colleges
    • Four-year universities


If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving education marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.

advance education parent and student survey whitepaper


The 2nd Annual

Parent & Student Survey

Advance Education surveyed more than 500 high school students and over 500 parents of high school students about their journey to decide what’s next after high school graduation. This survey uncovers the motivations driving their choices.

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