Study Hall: Latest Insights
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Unlocking the Power of Your Enrollment Data
As a higher education professional, you care about students, student outcomes, a thriving academic community, and the reputation of your programs and institution. And yet, by unlocking critical insights from your data, you can have very real, measurable, and boast-worthy results from the insights.
The Enrollment Cliff Whitepaper
Almost all colleges have seen decreased enrollment over the past decade. Predictions for an even steeper enrollment cliff in 2026 have higher education professionals worried.
Is Switching to Holistic Admissions Worth It for Colleges?
With the Supreme Court striking down affirmative action in college admissions and the approaching “enrollment cliff,” finding the students who can succeed in your school—even if their test scores aren’t the highest—can help keep your enrollment numbers solid.
Fighting Dropping Enrollments: Students Academically and Emotionally Under-Prepared
Colleges have been worried about how pandemic disruptions have increased the number of incoming students who are not ready for college-level classes.
Bolstering Your International Student Pipeline
International students are a crucial part of many colleges’ enrollment, and the past few years have been a bit of a wild ride because of worldwide travel restrictions during the Covid pandemic.
Immediate College Enrollment Rate 2022
As a lifelong student, I recently learned what the Immediate College Enrollment Rate represents and seeing the trend line barely achieve a passing grade illustrates the need for powerful storytelling and showcasing value across all brands in higher education.
Marketing and Enrollment: Different Mindsets, Similar Goals
Enrollment and marketing staff have many of the same overall goals. We all want our colleges to succeed. We want healthy enrollment numbers, happy students, and successful graduates.
The Changing Face of Equity in Admissions
For most colleges, the Supreme Court ruling banning consideration of […]
Enrollment Software Integration: Leveraging Your Connections to the Rest of the School
Changes in college admissions and enrollment over the […]