The Challenges for Enrollment Professionals.

1.Lower numbers of traditional college-age students in the coming years

2. Drops in male enrollment and graduation rate

3.Societal perceptions that higher education may not be worth the cost

4. Increasing numbers of non-traditional students requiring different outreach and support

5. Shifting student demographics, including changes in international student patterns and racial/ethnic demographics in the U.S.

6. Financial pressures on students, education institutions, and the U.S. economy

7.Fast-changing skills demands from employers as technological advances transform workplaces.

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advance education parent and student survey whitepaper


The 2nd Annual

Parent & Student Survey

Advance Education surveyed more than 500 high school students and over 500 parents of high school students about their journey to decide what’s next after high school graduation. This survey uncovers the motivations driving their choices.

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