The Generation Gap That’s Changing Higher Ed: Why Parents Are Doubling Down on Vocational Education
No teenager will admit to being like their parents.
When it comes to career planning after high school, both groups are aligned in their thinking, except for one area: vocational education. Twice as many parents are considering career and vocational education.
Parents recognize the challenges of rising college costs and the hardship that long-term debt brings to their children’s lives, so they are more open to education and training opportunities that fast-track their way to better jobs with higher pay.
What options are parents and students considering?

Read more about how today’s economy is affecting the way families are choosing what comes next after high school. Download the 2nd Annual Parent & Student Survey Report from Advance Education.
Fill out the form below to download the report.

The 2nd Annual
Parent & Student Survey
and learn how to better reach your most targeted enrollment segments: students and their parents.
This guide outlines the biggest current challenges of education marketers, and ideas showing how your enrollment strategy can overcome and thrive.
of parents are using digital sources to research post-secondary options for their children
of ALL teens use YouTube
the number of parents are considering vocational schools than their children
Other areas we cover that will help increase awareness of your institution among students and their parents:
If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving education marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.