The Power of Video for Gen Z Targets

Colleges and universities seeking to grab the attention of Gen Z prospective students need to incorporate video into their marketing. Whether a school is small or large, video remains one of the most powerful tools to “speak” to potential enrollees. Video can live on your website, be posted to social media, or advertise your school on other websites. Incorporating video into as many platforms as possible will help you appeal to prospective students.


Viewing Video Remains Extremely Popular

According to Common Sense Media, in 2019, 69% of teens reported that they watch online videos every day. Cisco projected that in 2021, video content would make up 81% of consumer internet traffic. Because video combines movement, images, and sound, it engages the senses more fully. One study demonstrates the impact of adding video, reporting that users spend 88% more time on websites that have video.

Shorter Video Content Is Most Effective

While it is possible to post longer videos on your website, the common wisdom is that shorter videos are most likely to keep viewers watching to the end. Usually, 90 seconds to two minutes would be the optimal length for informational and explainer-type videos on your website.

There are exceptions to every rule, and if the subject you are covering—like the curriculum and philosophy of a degree program—is detailed, you can make the video longer. Ideally, essential and general information will come at the beginning of the video so that even a casual viewer will ingest the most pertinent information. At the same time, viewers with a deeper interest can watch to the end to get all the content.

Social media video lengths are usually much shorter, with many platforms allowing for just 15 to 140 seconds for complete content. Know the platform’s rules, make videos that will work in that context, and use the super-short video lengths to get out your message to pique the interest of potential students. You may also consider video ads for YouTube or other platforms, which can be very effective ways to catch the eye of your target audience. To choose the best social media platforms to reach Gen Z targets, check out AMG Higher Ed’s survey of high school students’ social media preferences. The survey has many insights about how students receive information about colleges, and it will be available to download in the coming weeks.

Video Is Here to Stay in Higher Ed Marketing

Video is fun to spice up your marketing, and use your creativity to entertain and inform your future enrollees. But, no matter how you slice it, integrating video messaging is vital for appealing to a Gen Z audience. So, consider including more videos across all marketing channels to expand your engagement with the students you hope to attract.


For help with your video marketing, contact us today.


If you’d like to learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving education marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts, please contact us today.

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