Q&A with Theresa Cottrell
Many of my clients tell me they are concerned with graduating seniors choosing not to attend college at all. We need to show them why they should continue their education, so they will have more opportunities on down the road.
Marketing and Enrollment: Different Mindsets, Similar Goals
Enrollment and marketing staff have many of the same overall goals. We all want our colleges to succeed. We want healthy enrollment numbers, happy students, and successful graduates.
The Changing Face of Equity in Admissions
For most colleges, the Supreme Court ruling banning consideration of [...]
Enrollment Software Integration: Leveraging Your Connections to the Rest of the School
Changes in college admissions and enrollment over the past few [...]
GA4 Setup (Intro Part II)
With the looming sunset of Universal Analytics nearly upon us all, (and Google is quite aggressive in the reminders to complete GA4 setup…), an atmosphere of apprehension is working its way through our beloved marketing worlds.
College Marketing Content That Grabs—and Holds!—Attention: Articles
Would you like some marketing assets that can give you [...]