Pillars of Higher Ed Enrollment Marketing: Continuous Analysis and Optimization
The only constant in life and business is change. The ability to adapt and evolve is critical for sustained success. By delving into the metrics and employing strategic optimization, colleges and universities can secure a competitive advantage, can boost efficiency and effectiveness over time and improve ROI.
How To Attract Underserved Students with Implicit Marketing (part 1)
Enrollment marketing is more challenging than ever with the changes rocking higher education and the demographic enrollment cliff. Plus, with the changes to diversity recruitment brought on by the Supreme Court decision about affirmative action, it is incumbent upon higher education institutions to find ways to ensure that underserved students—low-income, BIPOC, and first-generation—continue to enroll.
Pillars of Higher Ed Enrollment Marketing: Engage And Nurture Relationships
Engaging and nurturing relationships with prospective students is crucial for successful enrollment marketing in a highly competitive landscape. In summary, institutions must design marketing strategies that align with specific audience segments, consider every stage of the funnel, and ensure each stage is set up with detailed campaign tracking for optimization.
Pillars of Higher Ed Enrollment Marketing: Audience Development and Segmentation
In today’s dynamic and evolving landscape, the ability to deeply understand, segment, and engage with potential students is paramount to the success of any educational institution.
Factors That Influence Search Engine Rankings
Now that you understand the importance of ranking in your student enrollment journey, let’s talk about what factors that influence search engine rankings and how they can make or break your site’s place on the SERPs. According to Backlinko, there are roughly 200 ranking factors. This can make managing optimizations a struggle even for SEO experts.
The Importance of Search in the Student Enrollment Journey
Search engines have become indispensable tools for students in their college discovery process. Instead of relying solely on traditional methods like campus visits or brochures, students now turn to search engines to gather information, compare programs, and ultimately make their decisions.