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We look forward to building successful campaigns together.
Enrollment Marketing Strategy: A Comprehensive Approach
To attract, enroll, and retain best-fit student prospects, institutions must invest in a well-thought-out enrollment marketing strategy.
The Prospective Student Journey: Marketing Optimizations for Schools of All Sizes
Inquiries represent an excellent opportunity to connect with students and initiate a relationship. When schools capture inquiry leads from interested students, this is the ideal time to begin communication.
The Prospective Student Journey: Decision Time Converting Inquiries to Applicants
Let’s zoom into this critical stage and examine the micro-moments you should be focused on to improve conversion rates. Every tiny increase in your success can net more students in your classrooms.
The Prospective Student Journey: Capturing Inquiries
Most marketing touches occur before that initial inquiry. The primary objective is to transition inquirers into applicants and ultimately committed students. When students and their parents are making these decisions, from late junior to senior year, you have more opportunities to influence their decision.